Look Again: Virtual Construction Administration – Saving Time & Money while Social Distancing

Look Again: Virtual Construction Administration – Saving Time & Money while Social Distancing

Working in and through a post COVID-19 world—virtual construction administration is integrating A/E/C teams in unprecedented ways.

For years the construction industry has been implementing Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) methodologies into their projects. However with the appearance of the coronavirus pandemic virtual tools have converted into a necessity rather than simply a value add.

To continue to deliver critical infrastructure to our clients, all of which are in the communications, data or technology sector, Constructiv implemented early on what may soon be the newest way for our A/E partners to monitor major constructions projects—Virtual Construction Administration or VCA.

VCA is the process that allows the architect and engineer (A/E) to perform “virtual” or “remote” inspections or review of a project’s progress. The process ensures all parties involved understand the methodology and are prepared to execute in collaboration with the team (owner, general contractor, architect, engineer, subcontractors).

Types of systems typically involved in VCA observations are electrical, mechanical and plumbing, as well as architectural, and other specific observations that may have been requested by the owner, general contractor or other party to facilitate construction meeting design intent.

VCA coordinates all scheduling for the work, including phasing testing and inspections. The process involves live video observations (LVOs) using a 360-degree camera onsite and a VR headset with control by the remote user. In addition to LVOs, the process includes still photo observations (SPOs) for capturing tight shots and details. Both LVOs and SPOs include a virtual “tour path” mark-up of the areas to be inspected to assist offsite personnel in maintaining orientation with the facility.

This works by having the onsite parties meet at a preselected location near the equipment or system to be inspected. The General contractor is also onsite with a member of the subcontracting team to open cabinets, remove floor and ceiling tiles and provide access to any areas that are safely accessible while the rest of the team is gathered virtually watching the process in real time.

This activity is further followed up by additional photo or video observations for subsequent review and comment. They are then documented and archived online.

Constructiv is successfully using VCA on current projects and is working with owners and A/E teams to deliver technically complex critical infrastructure projects. VCA is eliminating the need for worksite human-to-human contact. Plus boosting benefits to efficiency and project costs (savings in the tens of thousands of dollars)! As you would expect, Constructiv is employing the VCA process on all projects to come.