Innovation in Technology is Fueling Growth for Data Foundry

Innovation in Technology is Fueling Growth for Data Foundry

Austin-based Data Foundry is adding 27,000 square feet to its north Houston data center campus.

This will grow the campus to 377,000 square feet and accommodate the growing demand from Houston's health care, energy and manufacturing industry sectors, which all rely heavily on technology.

Built with disaster recovery in mind.

Distinctive to this campus, is the ability to withstand 185 mph winds due to its elevation above the 500-year floodplain, allowing for continued operation during hurricanes and tropical storms.

The campus also provides dedicated office spaces, lockers, showers, a washer and dryer, break room and kitchen for both Data Foundry team members and its tenants who have to remain at the data center during natural disasters.

Our involvement.

Constructiv Builders, an organization focused on mission critical, 5G and edge data center deployments is the Construction Manager for the high-reliability project.

About Data Foundry.

Data Foundry is a leading provider of Texas data center colocation services with over 20 years of data center operations experience.